Most Viewed Clinics on the Treatment Scout Website in The Past Week

Matt Kuntz
2 min readMar 22, 2022


Matt Kuntz with NAMI Montana. And just wanted to give you an update on the Treatment Scout website. We’re really excited to be able to have a new look at new design. But it does come back to featuring clinics. And this week, that ended on March 22nd have five clinics that were viewed the most. The first was the Eating Recovery Center in Dallas.

Next most viewed was the McLean Hospital McLean 3East, and we have the Sunshine Lady House from Fredericksburg, Virginia, then Pyramid Healthcare in Dallas, Pennsylvania, and finally Sheppard Pratt Trauma Disorders unit. This is a really cool mix of clinics that people are going to and checking out their reviews.

You see a inpatient eating disorder center and then a place to go in emergencies in Fredricksburg, Virginia. So just a wide array and people can find out what other folks think about these treatment centers at So go there and check it out. We built it to be a great resource and we hope that you like the new design.

Thank you.

The Treatment Scout website helps people find effective inpatient and residential care. Please check out Treatment Scout if you need care or if you can make a review for when you, a loved one, or someone you helped received care. Thank you!



Matt Kuntz

A weird mix of mental health, policy, tech, writing, and Montana. Views are my own, not of any organization I’m involved with.