Interesting New Research Articles on Borderline Personality Disorder
3 min readApr 9, 2021
Nonsuicidal Self-Injury in Early Adolescence as a Predictor of Borderline Personality Disorder in Early Adulthood.
- “Borderline personality disorder (BPD) typically has an onset in adolescence. Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) could be associated with its subsequent development.”
- “The aim of this study was to examine whether NSSI among adolescents in the community is associated with a risk for BPD in emerging adulthood.”
- “Findings showed that continuation of NSSI over time was associated with higher ratings of BPD symptomatology and greater impairment in psychosocial functioning. Both of these relations were mediated by deficits in emotion regulation.”
- “These results suggest that adolescents who engage in NSSI may need to be assessed for problems regulating emotions and to be provided with early interventions to help prevent continuation of NSSI.”
Affective and Behavioral Characteristics of Adolescent and Adult Borderline Personality Disorder.
- “Adults with borderline personality disorder (BPD) report greater affective lability, impulsivity, and aggression compared to same-age peers, but no studies have examined whether these findings are replicable among adolescents with BPD and their peers, or whether adolescents and adults with BPD report symptoms of comparable severity.”
- In this study, “Adolescents with BPD reported greater severity of all symptoms except nonplanning impulsiveness compared to peers. They reported similar symptom severity to adults but reported less severe verbal aggression and anger.”
- “Adolescents with BPD are distinguishable from typically developing adolescents on self-reported, dimensional affective and behavioral symptom measures, and may experience these symptoms at comparable severity to adult counterparts.”
Symptomatic Disorders in Adults and Adolescents With Borderline Personality Disorder.
- “This study’s purpose was to compare the rates of comorbidity reported by adult and adolescent inpatients with BPD, including complex comorbidity (i.e., a combination of disorders of affect and impulsivity). “
- “Lifetime rates of mood disorders and ADHD were quite similar for the two study groups. However, rates of anxiety disorders, including PTSD, substance use disorders, eating disorders, and complex comorbidity were significantly higher among adults than adolescents. “
- “Taken together, the results of this study suggest that broadly defined disorders of both affect and impulsivity are more common among adults than adolescents with BPD. They also suggest that a pattern of complex comorbidity is even more distinguishing for these two groups of borderline patients.”
Stimulating research on childhood adversities, borderline personality disorder, and complex post-traumatic stress disorder.
- “Traumatic events of a long-lasting invasive, primarily interpersonal nature (e.g., childhood abuse, intimate partner violence) can have wide-ranging consequences across various life domains. This involves an increased risk of developing mental disorders, such as (complex) post-traumatic stress (PTSD, CPTSD) and borderline personality disorder (BPD).”
- “Both within and outside of these diagnostic boundaries, complex trauma has been associated with emotional dysregulation, dissociation, distrust, interpersonal problems, and maladaptive coping behaviours, such as self-harm and suicidal behaviour.”
- “One of the remaining research questions is why some people develop certain psychopathological symptoms or disorders after complex trauma while others do not.”
- “This special issue brings together a collection of review articles and original research articles on this topic to stimulate further research in the field. Findings enhance the understanding of long-term consequences of childhood adversities and highlight important psychopathological mechanisms that may underlie an increased risk to develop certain mental disorders.”
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